Monday, June 1, 2009

Day off!

Had a full run last night, before an excellently sized and dispositioned crowd, and played it well. Got lots of laughs, made few mistakes, the fights got much sharper than they had been, and got applause when they were finished.

At long last, a day off. No work, no The Three Musketeers, No The Tempest. Weatherman called for bright sunny skies, 82 degrees, 10% chance of rain. My plans included finishing some landscaping, taking the hounds for a romp in the woods, making a picnic for Dani and me when she gets home from work. All of which I would have done, were it not for the biblical amounts of rain, house rattling thunder, and Jovian bolts of lightening everywhere. 

Sonny, our Goldie, ran out for a pee just before the deluge, ran back to the house, swatted on the door,  ran past my outstretched hand that held his snack, and into the living room, where he tried to dig himself under the coffee table. He is afraid of thunder. Right now he is under my legs, with paws over his eyes. It's sort of adorable, but I feel for him. And I am a little awed by the thought that he considers me reliable protection against lightening.

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