Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Items of interest, or not...#2

1. I believe sleep apnea is a totally made up medical problem, like PTSD or chronic fatigue disorder, or you know, cancer. I don't deny it exists, I just question whether it is a problem. Oh, the doctor explains it all to you, all the risks, and the treatment options, but I can't help but believe it's the equivalent of William H. Macy's car salesmen in Fargo, trying to push "that TruCoat, that's good stuff there."

2. Someone recently said new housing builds in Central Ohio has increased 42% over last year. Hmm...perhaps, but wasn't last year's something like 875% down from the previous year? I'm no math guy, but I think that translates to maybe one guy's garage getting built in Obetz.

3. Douchebag update--Remember when I mentioned that around Oscar time Mickey Rourke was talking about wrestling WWE star Chris Jericho, and that suddenly these plans got squelched by some last minute career management advice by his new handlers? At the time, I posited that you can't keep a dedicated douchebag down--Rourke has always aspired to a career like Pacino's, but carries himself publicly more like Mr. T. He doesn't seem to get that a career is more than the movies you do (based on his output in the 90s, he better hope so)--it's also how you carry yourself when you are in public. Class begets class, and dignity  dignity. If Pacino attended monster truck pulls and made appearances at county fairs, he wouldn't have the cache he has now.
Well. The Mick couldn't help himself . The other night he attended a Jericho match and when it was over climbed into the ring and pretended to knock him out with one punch. Douchebag meter just jumped a few ticks. Can Wild Orchids IV: The New Beginning be far behind?

4. Are there more annoying creatures in the world than foodies? Probably there are, but not by much...shoe fetishists maybe.

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