Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mark-ology (or rather, Mark-opathy

Questions from a Facebook Note:

What is your salad dressing of choice? 
You mean you get a choice? I just always get Ranch, so the waitress won’t hate me.

What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? 
Don’t know that I have a favorite—the ones I used to like are all gone now—I like Cap City Diner, because my doctor’s office is next door, so if I get a bad clam, he’s just a jog away.

What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? 
Pretty much anything with gravy on it…

What are your pizza toppings of choice? 
Meats and more meats

How many televisions are in your house? 
Three—and there are only two of us in the house…

What color cell phone do you have? 

Are you right-handed or left-handed? 

Have you ever had anything removed from your body? 
tonsils, wisdom teeth, gall bladder, heel spurs, polyps, tumors—racking up quite a pile-I wear them in a medallion around my neck like Eric Estrada did his son’s umbilical cord

What is the last heavy item you lifted? 
Well, this morning when I went to the bathroom…no no…won’t go there…actually, it would be a 4x8 platform, which is why I am eating Aleve today…

Have you ever been knocked unconscious? 
A few times…when I was a kid, I rolled off the top bunk and landed on my head, and spent a few days in the hospital…in college, I was playing a pickup game of tackle football, and faded back to throw a pass, and woke up on the sideline with my brother looking in my face saying “ Man, your eyes are red”—I was hit hi/lo and dumped on my head…had a mild concussion from that, but played in the 2nd half anyway, seeing triple, and trying to tackle the guy in the middle…

If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? 
Who says I don’t already? My birth certificate has an expiration date.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to? 

Yes, it would be Marc Mann

Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1,000? 
Yes—hell I’d do it for another bottle of hot sauce…

How many pairs of flip flops do you own? 
50 year old men who wear flipflops deserve our scorn

Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
I have had a few contretemps with the Highway Patrol over the years, but as a former cop myself, I don’t consider them cops—they’re just taillight chasers. My beefs with them probably arise from the undisguised contempt with which I treat them.

Last person you talked to? 
Dani, obviously. Other than that, I would have to say the clerk at the Certified station, though I don’t know if “ Pall Malls” “ Credit or debit?” “ Credit” “ Thank you” “ mmmph” counts as scintillating conversation.

Last person you hugged? 
Dani. Other than her, I try to keep the hugs down to a minimum.

Favorite season(s)? 
Spring, summer

Christmas, fourth of July

Day of the week? 


Missing someone? 
Not much these days

My mood ring says mellow.

What are you listening to? 
My Golden Retriever making Scooby noises.

Just finished watching Breaking Bad.

Worrying about? 
My summer plans…everything is still up in the air…

First place you went this morning? 
Certified Station for weeds.

What's the last movie you saw? 
At the theater it was Doubt—other than that, I watched Watchmen online a few nights ago.

Do you smile often? 
I think I smile all the time, but I’m told I don’t. There used to be an actor in town who did an impression of me directing a comedy--he'd stand there with his arms crossed, scowling, as if watching a bit of comic business, , and then say " Hmph--keep it" and walk on...

Do you always answer your phone? 
I rarely answer the phone.

Favorite on-line game?
Don’t play them much to have a favorite.

Its 4 a.m. and you get a text message, who is it? 
My brother Erich, who will send me a pic of himself on the beach in Florida—usually when its snowing here….

What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? 
Can you ask for Bourbon?

Do you own a digital camera? 

Have you ever had a pet fish? 
Yes. When I was a bachelor. That’s what bachelors do, they raise fish. When I got married, I broke up with my fish.

What's on your wish list for your birthday? 
Too far away to start with wishes.

Can you do push ups? 
Only if there’s a bet involved, or, you know, a bottle of hot sauce.

Can you do a chin up? 
I think, to be accurate, you’d have to call em “chins up”

Does the future make you more nervous or excited? 
I notice “dread” wasn’t one of the choices.

Do you have any saved texts? 

Ever been in a car wreck? 
Yes—the last one was in the late 80s, driving a Chevy POS van whose brakes went out, and I screeched into an intersection, was t-boned by a station wagon, and driven into oncoming traffic and where I hit some little Japanese car head-on, and walked away without a scratch. I had expired tags on the van, and an expired drivers license, had run the red light, and when the cop came, I invoked the brotherhood of all former and present policemen, and got off with just a $75 red light ticket, which I paid quite prompty.

Do you have an accent? 
When I was a kid in southern Ohio, people thought I was from NY…when we moved to northern Ohio, they thought I was a “hilligan”. So I guess I am in the middle somewhere, though the Appalachian comes out when I am tired.

What is the last song to make you cry? 
Watched a clip of a little English girl singing Ave Maria for some Britain’s Got Talent show, and got verklempft

Plans tonight? 
Going to see Dani’s show, and as usual when I am at a musical, take out my program and check off each song. I do this when I go to church too—“ Ok, we’ve done the first reading from the bible, sang the hymn…what’s next…let’s keep this thing moving, people”

Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? 
I’ve not only hit rock bottom, I’ve bounced from the impact and hit it again.

Name 3 things you bought yesterday? 
Groceries, cigarettes, gas

Have you ever been given roses? 
Yes (eyes rolling, give me something that doesn't die in a day)

Current hate right now? 
Currently pretty pissed at the Dispatch downsizing of arts reporters, but there are so many other hates I am nuturing…it's a full day of hatred...

Met someone who changed your life? 
Dani gentled me. But really, everyone changes your life in subtle ways. Each person is a chip on the stone that results in the sculpture of who you are. Yuck, how wussy was that!

How did you bring in the new year? 
At home, making fun of Dick Clark, and realizing I have reserved a spot in hell for doing so…

What song represents you? 
Dunno, I should commission a theme song…it would have to be driving and upbeat, like a theme to a 70s detective show, and I would walk into rooms and vault over a chair.

Name three people who might complete this? 
Al McClintock, Tim Browning, and Lori Cannon…and all three will do it screaming and kicking ☺

Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? 
Only if I could bring collectibles back with me—I’d like to go to Ford’s Theatre in April 1865, and suggest to Lincoln that he stay in and rent a few videos instead…

Have you ever dated someone longer than a year? 
A few much longer than a year. A few for a year that seemed much longer than a year.

Will you be in a relationship 4 months from now? 
Unless Dani wises up, yes.

Does anyone love you? 
Yes, though I wonder sometimes how in God’s name is that possible…I’m no picnic…

Would you be a pirate? 
A video pirate, maybe, but that’s about it. 

What songs do you sing in the shower? 
I am embarrassed to admit that more often I recite soliloquies in the shower. My soapy Othello is currently a long running hit…

Ever had someone sing to you? 

When did you last cry? 
Actual card-carrying, snot running crying? Other than as MacDuff last summer, I can’t remember a real weeper lately. But I get verklepmft daily.

Do you like to cuddle? 
Yes, but I can’t sit still long. Like a cat that way. Other ways I am like a cat is that I'll sit on the TV and stare at you.

Have you held hands with anyone today? 
Not yet

Who was the last person you took a picture of? 
A bunch of the kids at Coffman after Scapino closed…

What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school? 
My dad’s records, which were folkie stuff like the Chad Mitchell Trio, and for some reason, march music…I can still hum the Stars and Stripes Forever, every note, including the piccolo…I also had a 45 of She Loves You by the Beatles that I played the grooves off...

Are most of the friends in your life new or old?
Actually, a nice stew of both

Do you like pulpy orange juice? 
Ack! No! Each morning I pour half a glass of juice, and fill it the rest of the way with water to thin it out, and listen to Dani saying over and over “ Drink your juice!”

What is something your friends make fun of you for? 
There is absolutely nothing I do that is mock-worthy, goddamnit!

Have you ever ridden a on an elephant? 
No, and wouldn’t if I were offered. No point whatsoever in doing it.

What are you saving your money up for right now? 
Saving? Did you say saving? SAVING???

When is the last time you ate peanut butter and jelly? 
Last week. Oh yeah, I am saving up money to buy REAL FOOD...

What were you doing 12 AM last night? 
Reading my American Heritage magazine…yes, Ann, I know what you are thinking...

What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? 
“ Shit…Saigon…I’m still in Saigon…”

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