Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Return of Sarah

This article on The Daily Beast examines Sarah Palin's embryonic plans for 2012. I believe it is absolutely imperative that all right-thinking people keep her in the public eye for four years.

 She MUST be the face of the Republican Party. Fellow-travelers in the liberal world decry her as a disgrace, and say she should be discounted, but I disagree. She should be ushered right along into the furnace of public opinion. We need to see her constantly, as a reminder of the utter bankruptcy of the conservative movement, a movement that, though I disagree with much of their ideology, once had giants in it (William F. Buckley, Eisenhower, Goldwater, to name a few). 

It should be exposed to all how far their movement has fallen. Let's keep reporting on Mrs. Palin, guys. Let's keep her out front. 


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