Wednesday, December 31, 2008


This man actually dishonors the name of Fredo:

Fredo Speaks

Alberto Gonzales has decided to insert himself, on New Year’s Eve, no less, into the running for most tone-deaf political statement of 2008: “I consider myself a casualty, one of the many casualties of the war on terror." Gonzales, or “Fredo,” as he was known to President Bush, gives The Wall Street Journal his most extensive interview since he stepped down as attorney general in September 2007. "What is it that I did that is so fundamentally wrong, that deserves this kind of response to my service?" he asks. "For some reason, I am portrayed as the one who is evil in formulating policies that people disagree with.” Gonzales said he is writing a memoir "for my sons, so at least they know the story." He does not yet have a publisher. 

From the Wall Street Journal

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